My Creator

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That’s a hell of a title if I do say so myself. Some may read it and immediately find a religious aspect come to mind, rightfully so. However, when I say “my creator” I am referring to my mother. She brought me into this world and has raised me to be the person I am today and respect everyone including myself. If you know me you know that I have been through hell and back but my mom is the one who has been through ultimate fire. I am forever grateful for everything she does, has done, and will do.

The incredible thing about this world is that we all come from someone or something. This concept is true in respect to all aspects of our world. Eggs come from chickens and apples come from apple trees and so on. Since we all come from someone or something else it is how we learn, grow, and flourish (if you’re not an inanimate object like an apple). Nature shows us that defects arise when standard influences are not in place. For example, when an animal is abandoned in the wild the animal shows developmental problems. This rings true for humans as well. When a child is lacking a father figure, mother figure, or even both there are developmental issues that you would not see otherwise. In children who do not have the correct parental influence, they are seen suffering from violence tendencies, depression, as well as numerous other psychological problems.

What My Dad (Mom) Taught Me About Life

So let us bring this full circle and understand its application to our world. We define ourselves don’t get me wrong but there are certain aspects of ourselves that are inherent and come only from those around us. An example of this is the accent of our voice and how we do not control it nor do we choose to sound any certain way. The people around us influence us and, either positively or negatively, impacts us.

Throughout writing this blog I hit many stopping points and like many blogs I write I will stop writing, move on to another task, and then return to continue or even finish my blog. During the course of this blog I got an email that was especially relevant and what I believe to be purposefully received at that exact moment. I subscribe to Khan, which long story short is an online forum that offers a “world class education” to anyone, anywhere, for free. The email told a story of the creator of Khan Academy Salmon Khan and his five year old son. The email told that Khan doesn’t praise his son for doing well on remedial tasks but he encourages him when he struggles and I related it to my own life. I know that I do a lot of different things well and my mother doesn’t always have to praise me for my accomplishments, but she is there to support me in my struggles and I think that is the core of my as well as all parental and mom

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